
The Obstacle is The Way: My Favourite Quotes

The Obstacle is The Way: My Favourite Quotes

I just shared the audio version of The Obstacle is The Way by Ryan Holiday with a couple of friends tonight, so I thought I would post a few of my favourite quotes here.

In my opinion this book is a must read for proper mindset.

In any circumstance your mindset (whether you choose good or bad) has the power to build you up to conquer your circumstance or break you down and destroy you.

It's like the story I recently heard re-told in the movie Tomorrowland...

Gratitude: The One Tool You Need To Resist Anything Without Feeling Deprived

You may be able to keep up deprivation through sheer willpower for weeks, months or even years at a time, but at some point losing control is inevitable. Feelings of deprivation are simply not part of a sustainable fat loss system.

So… the question is, how do we fix this? Obviously we can’t just eat whatever we want to eliminate deprivation – that doesn’t work for fat loss. Likewise, simply using willpower to avoid eating anything “bad” doesn’t work either because the deprivation created by this method inevitably results in a rebound.

What we need is a solution that eliminates deprivation WHILE still allowing fat loss.

The solution is gratitude.

Master Your Mindset: 4 Mental Shifts That are Critical to Long Term Fat Loss Success

Mindset may just be the most critical aspect to successful fat loss. Heck, it may be the most critical aspect to success at anything. If you can’t control what goes on between your ears you’re bound to get discouraged by failures, put down by criticism and fall apart in the face of difficult circumstances.

For every factor that contributes to health and fitness, a good mindset is critical. Trying to stick to proper food choices? I hope you have a good mindset!. Want to make progress at the gym or stick to a healthy sleep schedule? Again, you’d better check your mindset.